Ms. Linda Hopkins
Birthday Celebration
Date: December 11th, 8PM
Venue: Hollywood Studio Bar and Grill
6122 Sunset Blvd (Sunset / Gower)
Hollywood, California 90038
VIP Reservations: (702)203-0016
Aretha Franklin's Music Director and World Renowned Musical Composer, HB Barnum along with many other celebrity entertainers will celebrate the 87th birthday of the Legendary Tony Award Winning Ms. Linda Hopkins. Linda Hopkins also has a STAR on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and is sharing her celebration night with LIVE band SOULICIOUS and OPEN MIC.
Ms. Hopkins still let’s you know what “Down Home Blues” really sounds like while never ever forgetting her Gospel roots.
Just when you thought that Soul, Blues and Gospel music had taken a backseat to Hip Hop and R&B, along comes an event that you don’t want to miss.
Come out and see what over 60 years in the business is all about.
2 drink minimum - *plus minimum (required) 2 beverages or dinner order
Absolutely NO audio or video recording w/o prior, appropriate written approval. No flash photography & limited photographing during performance.
Tickets: $10 at the door.
Press Release by:
Publicist Cassandra Williams
Firm Theme,"Write it Edit it and then Tell It."
Syndicated by:
Sunfish Entertainment