Chris Tian, who just received an email from Giavanna Foster, climbs on board to help raise funds for Giavanna going to Santa Monica College this fall with a download campaign of his new song remix of, "Baby, Come On Out (CluB HiTech Mix)." A percentage of the song sales for this hot remix are going right back to help Giavanna continue her education after graduating with a 4.0 average, she is also a spelling bee champion, and a member of the National Honor Society.
Chris is asking other celebrities to join him as he fights to get kids into college who don't have the sufficient funds like Giavanna. Chris is calling on Stevie Wonder to climb on board with him and is asking Stevie to interview him and Giavanna on KJLH Radio (in Los Angeles) about his campaign and the struggles of educational funding.
Tian said that many other other celebrities are welcome to join him and Giavanna by talking about how important it is for colleges / universities to accept students who really score highly and to make scholarship funds available to them.
Chris Tian asks, "How can kids become our future with the expensive costs of education and make a difference in our society? Let alone many students can't afford those outrageous prices and find good jobs after they graduate college with an astonishing degree and the students are still paying their student loans by flipping burgers and McDonalds at age sixty!