Gold City
A New Release By
Chris Jasper
“Everything I Do”
A compilation of classic R&B/Funk…
written, recorded, produced and performed by
Chris Jasper
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee and former
member/writer/producer of the Isley Brothers
We appreciate your taking the time to listen to the music. We will make every effort to accommodate
your needs. Please feel free to call us at any time if you have any questions or need more information.
Thank you!
Gold City Records
Telephone: 914-533-5096
Fax: 914-533-5097
Email: GCRecords@aol.com
Please visit our website:
The newest addition to the GOLD CITY MUSIC family is MICHAEL JASPER, the
17-year old son of CHRIS JASPER of THE ISLEY BROTHERS.
MICHAEL’S first release on the GOLD CITY label is
“ADDICTIVE” is a captivating, uptempo ten-song selection of dance/pop/techno music
with powerful hooks, smooth vocals and intricate beats and rhythms. “ADDICTIVE”
also features “Farewell”…a song dedicated to our brave soldiers.

All songs on "ADDICTIVE" are written and performed by MICHAEL, who is
accompanied by his father and co-producer CHRIS JASPER on talkbox and
background vocals.
MICHAEL follows in his father’s footsteps, demonstrating his composing abilities and
use of keyboards and synthesizers on this powerful mix of dance/pop/techno tracks.
Listen to samples of Michael's CD on his artist page at GoldCityMusic.com
Follow Michael on Facebook/Twitter/MySpace
Gold City Music
Tel: 914-533-5096/Fax: 914-533-5097
E-Mail: GCRecords@aol.com
Please Visit Our Website: GoldCityMusic.com